Παιδαγωγικώς Πιστοποιημένοι 🔴 Ελλάδα 🔴 EEU 🔴 UK 🔴 Certified Tutors


ΑΠΟ ΤΟ 2002



Private, Online, Video & Group Tuition

2002 Was Just the Beginning

That's Why the ARISTONs

1'200 Λόγοι και 10άδες Google Reviews

ΑΠΟ ΤΟ 2002 και την πρώτη μας εκκίνηση στις ευρωπαϊκές Μητροπόλεις του ΙΒDP, οι ARISTONs έχουμε πλέον περάσει στην δεύτερη δεκαετία και αισίως στο 23ο Ακαδημαϊκό Έτος IB.

ΣΕ ΑΥΤΑ ΤΑ ΧΡΟΝΙΑ οι Academic Advisers μαζί με τους Tutors των ARISTON IB καλλιεργήσαμε και συνεχίζουμε να καλλιεργούμε σε περισσότερους από 1’200 υποψήφιους IB από ολόκληρο τον κόσμο τα απαραίτητα εφόδια για την Άριστη Διαδρομή.

ΠΡΟΣΘΕΤΟΝΤΑΣ ΑΚΟΜΑ μια ακαδημαϊκή περίοδο, οι ARISTONs προχωρούμε πάντοτε με τον ίδιο σκοπό: την προετοιμασία, διδασκαλία και εμβάθυνση αποκλειστικά στο IB Diploma Programme (IBDP) —σε όλους επίσης γνωστό ως International Baccalaureate ή Διεθνές Απολυτήριο.

Παιδαγωγικώς Πιστοποιημένοι 🔴 Ελλάδα 🔴 EEU 🔴 UK 🔴 Certified Tutors

Παιδαγωγική Επάρκεια

Βασική Υποχρέωση Παιδαγωγών

Certified IB Educators

International Baccalaureate Organisation

Qualified Teacher Status

UK Department for Education

Πιστοποιητικό Παιδαγωγικής Κατάρτισης

Ανωτάτη Σχολή Παιδαγωγικής και Τεχνολογικής Εκπαίδευσης

Μεταπτυχιακά στις Επιστήμες Αγωγής

Εφαρμοσμένη Παιδαγωγική — Συγκριτική Παιδαγωγική — Κοινωνιολογία, Νευροεπιστήμες και Εκπαίδευση — Ειδική Αγωγή, Λογοθεραπεία−Συμβουλευτική

Παιδαγωγικώς Πιστοποιημένοι 🔴 Ελλάδα 🔴 EEU 🔴 UK Certified Tutors

Απαραίτητη Απαίτηση Γονιών

Η ΣΥΝΔΕΣΗ ΤΟΥ ΕΚΠΑΙΔΕΥΤΙΚΟΥ ΕΡΓΟΥ ΜΕ ΤΗΝ ΠΑΙΔΑΓΩΓΙΚΗ ΕΠΑΡΚΕΙΑ του Eκπαιδευτικού είναι μία από τις σοβαρότερες παραλείψεις που ναρκοθετούν το θεσμό του IBDP στην Ελλάδα.

ΥΠΟ ΤΟ ΠΡΟΣΧΗΜΑ του «Ξενόγλωσσου Προγράμματος Σπουδών» διαπιστώνεται ότι μέρος του «εκπαιδευτικού έργου» στα ιδιωτικά και στα φροντιστηριακά εκπαιδευτήρια ΙΒ ανατίθεται σε «εκπαιδευτικούς» που δεν διαθέτουν τα απαραίτητα Παιδαγωγικά και Διδακτικά πρόσοντα. Το φαινόμενο είναι ακόμα συχνότερο στα μαθήματα Ανθρωπιστικών Σπουδών που κατά κύριο λόγο δεν συμπεριλαμβάνονται στο αντίστοιχο δημόσιο πρόγραμμα σπουδών —π.χ. Business Management, Psychology Economics, ESS, Design Technology.

ΣΤΟΥΣ ARISTON IB αντιλαμβανόμαστε ως βασική και νομική μας υποχρέωση την κατοχή προσόντων από άποψη παιδαγωγική, διδακτική και ψυχολογική, προκειμένου να ασκούμε με επαγγελματικό και αποτελεσματικό τρόπο την αποστολή μας ως παιδαγωγοί, δάσκαλοι, αξιολογητές και επόπτες στην εκπαιδευτική πράξη.

Ολοκληρωμένες Ακαδημαϊκές Υπηρεσίες IBDP

  • Ειδικά Μαθησιακά Προγράμματα

  • Συμβουλευτική Γονέων

  • Επιλογή Πανεπιστημίων & Ακαδημαϊκών Σπουδών

  • Διαδραστικές Πλατφόρμες Συνεργασίας & Επικοινωνίας


Υποτροφιακά Προγράμματα για ARISTONers

Το ARISTON TROPHY είναι το επίσημο Πρόγραμμα «Αριστείας & Υποτροφιών των ARISTON IB» στο οποίο μπορεί να συμμετάσχουν ανεξαιρέτως όλοι οι υποψήφιοι ανά πάσα στιγμή το επιθυμήσουν —ακόμα και μετά την εισαγωγή τους στο πρόγραμμα σπουδών των ARISTONs.

Το Πρόγραμμα —για το οποίο οι ARISTONs δεσμεύουν παιδαγωγική ενέργεια και οικονομικούς πόρους— έχει σκοπό όχι μόνο την με κάθε μέσο ενίσχυση των υποψηφίων στην επιτυχή ολοκλήρωση του IBDP αλλά και την εξασφάλιση της ισότιμης συμμετοχής τους σε ακαδημαϊκά ιδρύματα της επιλογής τους. Τα ARISTON TROPHYs σχεδιάστηκαν ώστε να δίνουν ευκαιρία σε κάθε μαθητική προσωπικότητα να αξιολογήσει τις δυνάμεις της και να θερίσει τους καρπούς των προσπαθειών της.

Οι υπότροφοι επιλέγονται κατόπιν εξεταστικής διαδικασίας και προσωπικής συνέντευξης στο ακαδημαϊκό πεδίο ενδιαφέροντος κάθε υποψηφίου.

Το ύψος της υποτροφίας προσδιορίζεται από σύνολο κριτηρίων μεταξύ των οποίων η οικογενειακή κατάσταση, η βαθμολογική εικόνα, τα εξεταστικά αποτελέσματα και το πλήθος των υπόλοιπων υποτρόφων μέχρι την εξέταση του αιτήματος.

Περισσότερα για το ARISTON TROPHY
IB είναι η Τέχνη της έγκαιρης και υπεύθυνης προετοιμασίας.

Ειδικά για τους υποψηφίους που βρίσκονται στο DP1 —το 1ο έτος του προγράμματος— έγκαιρη έναρξη προετοιμασίας μεταφράζεται σε ακαδημαϊκό πρόβαδισμα στην διάρκεια του έτους.

Και μαζί— υψηλότερες διαγωνιστικές επιδόσεις, ελάχιστο άγχος συνδυαστικά με την βέλτιστη διαχείριση χρόνου για εξωσχολικές δραστηριότητες.

Στο DP2 —το 2ο έτος IB— χρειάζονται πολλά πράγματα για να αποδείξεις ότι είσαι εξοικειωμένος με το Πρόγραμμα. Αλλά μόνο ένα για να τα ακυρώσει όλα.

Η Κόπωση!

Οι υποψήφιοι των ARISTONs ξεκινούν το DP2 με αποκλειστική προτεραιότητα την ολοκλήρωση της ύλης και απόλυτο στόχο την έγκαιρη έναρξη επαναλήψεων και διαγωνιστικών θεμάτων ΙΒ.

Οι αληθινές, κορυφαίες και συστηματικές επιδόσεις στο ΙΒ έρχονται αποκλειστικά και μόνον με την εξάσκηση σε προσωποιημένα Past Papers.

Η συχνή και επαναλαμβανόμενη εξάσκηση τόσο στα ενδιάμεσα τμήματα των παραδόσεων  όσο και στο σύνολο της ύλης δίνουν στον υποψήφιο την απαραίτητη αυτοπεποίθηση ότι γνωρίζει το αντικείμενό του. Παράλληλα, αποτελεί την πλέον αξιόπιστη δοκιμασία επιβεβαίωσης τυχόν αδυναμιών και επανελέγχου των δεξιοτήτων.

Ένας Κόσμος ARISTONs

Οι φοιτητές μας στο IBDP

ΟΙ ΥΠΟΨΗΦΙΟΙ ΤΩΝ ARISTONs προέρχονται από τα μεγαλύτερα και πλέον διακεκριμένα σχολεία του παγκόσμιου IB, μεταξύ των οποίων Ελλάδας, Βρετανίας, Ολλανδίας, Σουηδίας, Μέσης Ανατολής, Βαλτικής και Άπω Ανατολής.

Μοναδικό Απόσταγμα

ΜΕ ΕΠΙΤΥΧΙΕΣ ΥΠΟΨΗΦΙΩΝ σε ποσοστό άνω του 87% σε Πανεπιστήμια πρώτης επιλογής, άρτιες εσωτερικές διαδικασίες ποιότητας, διδακτική υπευθυνότητα, μακροχρόνια εμπειρία και συσσωρευμένη ακαδημαϊκή γνώση, συμμετέχουμε όσο ελάχιστοι στις σπουδαστικές, μαθησιακές και προπάντων στις σκληρές ψυχολογικές δοκιμασίες του προγράμματος IBDP.

Welcome Aboard

Compelling ARISTON Student Stories

ARISTON IBDP 2023— 43/45

Renato Macielides


The IBDP with the ARISTONs allowed me to grow and develop my personality both as a student and a global community citizen. This set me up perfectly for progressing to the career path of my choice and working on my challenging IB exams.​

2023 - 2024 | ARISTON IB Ambassador

ARISTON IBDP 2023— 43/45

In spite of the IBDP challenges, my journey to become a Chemical Engineer student  under the full support and guidance of ARISTON IB was both exciting and comforting. Two years in my cohort, I immersed myself in a unique tutoring strategy with a well-rounded study-life balance that offered a comprehensive preparation.

Extensive summary and mock exams along with revision material and my tutors’ unconditional support allowed me to succeed in the IB exams even before the exams.

While the workload was demanding, the approach lies in a fast-track learning curve, making it an excellent choice for dedicated students pursuing their IBDP. I wholeheartedly recommend ARISTONs to those passionate about how to develop their critical thinking, foster international mindedness, embracing any challenge and receiving an internationally recognized diploma.

Trusted Google-5⭐ Reviews

ARISTON IBDP 2023— 43/45

Gavriella Tzimas


It's been very satisfying but great fun too. I can thoroughly recommend the ARISTON's pathway to anyone's IBDP success

2022 - 2023 | ARISTON IB Ambassador

ARISTON IBDP 2022— 44/45

Opting for my IBDP support the ARISTONs it was a breath of fresh air. It is a dynamic environment and it possessed a totally different IB mindset.

Getting prepared with their guidance also meant I was going into an academic path where it was unlikely I’d be unsatisfied.

In addition, the ARISTONs was sponsoring IB Candidates on my course. The lure of extra personal money made it a no-brainer.

Trusted Google-5⭐ Reviews

ARISTON IBDP 2021 — 44/45

Amaryllis Fantopoulos


Like many of my friends from ARISTON IB, I was a geeky kid at school.

2021 - 2022 | ARISTON IB Ambassador

ARISTON IBDP 2021 — 44/45

I was the head girl, read books compulsively, and was friends with all of my IB Tutors.

By the time my classmates started thinking about the IBDP, I had already got my heart set on the dream of studying Mathematics with Economics at LSE under the rigor guidance of ARISTON IB and I was excited by the prospect of meeting likeminded people who loved to learn.

People always say that IBDP years are unique, but I think most ARISTON-ers will testify that their tutoring methods really does feel profoundly different from other IB Tutoring Centers. I found it to be a haven of normal, laid back people.

Trusted Google-5⭐ Reviews

ARISTON IBDP 2021 — 36/45

Vasileios Bakalas


The IB offered a challenging, but eye-opening progamme in the past two years.

2021 - 2022 | ARISTON IB Hall of Fame

ARISTON IBDP 2021 — 36/45

Throughout the course, I was taught the specific subjects required to advance to my University studies.

I also became more disciplined due to the many demanding deadlines set by all teachers. The selection of courses proved to be very important, as I was able to narrow down my attention and priorities to the High Level subjects, that are more relevant to my future studies and career.

I finally became more organized and able to set time schedules, as all deadlines, combined with CAS and other extra-curricular activities had to be coordinated in a limited time interval.

Trusted Google-5⭐ Reviews

ARISTON IBDP 2020 — 44/45

Samira Al Azawi

I was gobsmacked! But it was an ARISTON performance, as usual.

2020 - 2021 | ARISTON IB Ambassador

ARISTON IBDP 2020 — 44/45

It’s been amazing.

ARISTON IB is one of the most well-renowned organizations in Europe, the Middle East and the on-line interconnected world. After experiencing the IBDP courses with the ARISTONs, I can see why their teaching is great.

I couldn’t imagine the IBDP effort at another tutoring organization and I would not swap to another if I were given the opportunity —ARISTON IB has been the best experience I could ask for.

Trusted Google-5⭐ Reviews

IBDP 2020 | Orestis Bempis | 36/45


“The 2018-2020 IB experience felt more like an adventure and less like school life. I had to overcome many roadblocks, put a lot of hard work and let’s not forget the surprise twist in the form of exam-cancelling pandemic. Through the IB I have learned to multitask, research effectively, write good Papers and Essays and more. I had the opportunity to study interesting subjects. Despite the hardships, the IB is an amazing pre-university experience and I do not regret going through it.”

IBDP 2019 | Carol Clare | 42/45


“It was fascinating to attend ARISTON IB for two years that marked my life for ever. Their educational system offered a good balance of theoretical approach, problem-solving strategies, discussion and simulation of past papers.″

IBDP 2019 | Neil Christoudakis | 43/45


“My pre-university IBDP life has been just one decision; to follow ARISTON IB Tutoring Programme and without a doubt is the one I’m most proud of. Not only because I had the opportunity to learn from some of the best IB Tutors I ever had throughout my education, but also because I was able to study at my very own pace.”

22 Subjects

Για σχεδόν δύο δεκαετίες οι ARISTON εμβαθύνουν αδιάκοπα κι όσο ελάχιστοι στην Ελλάδα στο IBDP.

Διαθέτοντας αποκλειστικό δίκτυο εξειδικευμένων Tutors και δημιουργώντας επιλεκτικές συνέργειες, οι ARISTONs καλύπτουν το σύνολο των 6 επιστημονικών Groups του προγράμματος σπουδών IB και παραδίδουν τουλάχιστον 22 μαθήματα HL/SL.

Trusted Google-5⭐ Reviews

Knowledge Transfer to IB Candidates from the IB Experts Ariston ΙΒ Private Tutors is a long-established professional team dedicated to
Our Unique Model to Learning We believe that tuition can be hugely successful - either in short bursts or over extended
When you have a ‘why’, when you’re committed and when you’re out of your comfort zone, things start to happen.
Eleana Triantafyllou
Eleana Triantafyllou
15:44 18 Aug 21
*** 40/45 - IB2019 ***As cheesy as it may sound, I fell in love with ARISTONs the very first time I looked them up – they had everything I wanted! It seemed like it offered IBDP limitless opportunities and that student well-being was their priority. Fortunately, all my expectations were not only met, but actually exceeded!ARISTON IB has been an experience that always kept you on your toes - whether there was an assignment that required a lot of dedication or a very interesting lecture that required full attention, there was always something to focus on, which was good. I personally enjoyed being challenged and doing the Diploma with the ARISTONsWhat genuinely impressed me when I got there, was the people - I cannot stress this enough; people at ARISTON IB, be it students or staff, are so kind and genuine. It’s unbelievable!When you meet someone that is so passionate about the IB Diploma and have such an amazing way of explaining things, you are bound to love their subject, no matter what that subject is about. It kind of felt like you had to live up to it and that you needed to prove your admiration and determination – something that really motivated me to give all six IBDP subjects my best.If there was one thing I learnt about ARISTON IB, it was that you should always ask for help whenever you need it. In my subject for example, there was always someone willing to either help me directly or guide me towards someone that could. It made me feel respected and like there was no problem that cannot be solved.Above all, ARISTONs inspired me to be a better version of myself and to accept that there is always room for improvement - it always kept me motivated and ready to do more.
Ethel Mpakopoulos
Ethel Mpakopoulos
14:16 02 Aug 21
39of 45 is not just a score, it's been a super-achievement for me.I would recommend ARISTON to IB students because I believe the staff delivers on their promises: we’ve been taken care of by the enrollment team, the front desk team, the management team, and our Tutors.My IB skills --and most importantly my life perspective-- have been developed tremendously since day one ; we’re provided with good text books and our teachers were dedicated to helping us learn and improve.A great thanks to all the ARISTONs teams.
Marianthi Dapounte
Marianthi Dapounte
18:51 27 Jul 21
ARISTON IB have helped me reach my university admission goals by being an excellent and professional team of IB Tutors.Academic-wise, ARISTONs has given me so many resources on and off classroom, to help me succeed as a IB candidate. 39 out of 45 is a major achievement for me and is almost due to the support of the ARISTONs, staff and the advanced level of their tutoring.Personally, they gave me the confidence in order to tackle my 2-year IBDP goals, work toward my uni goals and create new standards of life. I feel #blessed to have been given the opportunity to be part of such an amazing, incorporating, supportive, and caring IB community at ARISTON.
Christos Kalligeros
Christos Kalligeros
18:10 16 Jul 21
As a new IBDP student, I had a lot of goals and aspirations, but I didn’t really know how to go about reaching them. Over the last two years, between 2019-2021, ARISTON IB gave me an incredible amount of resources, guidance, and help for me to realize my dreams. 40/45 was beyond my expectations but not beyond ARISTONs methodology. Now I know that opting for ARISTON IB was the best decision I ever made.
Lina Damianopoulou
Lina Damianopoulou
18:07 13 Jul 21
During my two year IBDP studies at ARISTON IB was my go-to place for academic and emotional support — as well as candies, chocolates, warm smiles, and a sympathetic ear. It has never failed me, whether I went there with a major mathematical problem or some random thoughts on my anxiety about academic performance —those thoughts, by the way, would never evolve into a productive boost without their encouragement and tremendous help. Big thank you to everyone at ARISTON IB for a very fair 38/45: I feel so much more heard and loved as an IBDP student because of you!
Alkiviades Siaravas
Alkiviades Siaravas
18:17 06 Jul 21
After finishing 1st Lyceum, I wanted to pursue the IBDP route and the study abroad.After many hours of research, I discovered ARISTON IB. From the moment I saw their methods and the success stories of past IB students, I knew I wanted to go there. It was love at first sight and most importantly it yielded a 39/45 along with an offer from my preferred University of Surrey for Biomedical Engineering.ARISTON IB is also one of the few IB Tutoring institutions offering exactly the support I was looking for. My IB Tutors were always readily available with help and support when it’s needed and equip me with the knowledge and confidence to develop my own ideas and voice.Studying with the ARISTONs can be challenging, but it’s also fun when you have people you can count on. I’ll remember the afternoons and nights spent studying with my friends and the laughs we had in the breaks between revision.I knew the IBDP would give me the unique combination of education, life perspective and academic backgroudn I’d need in the future and it was turned into reality with ARISTON IB.
Maria Mentzelou
Maria Mentzelou
16:30 13 Jun 21
[CLASS of 2017/2019]Being an IB student in a challenging global environment may be of concern to some individuals; however as a member of the ARISTON IB I have received more support and guidance than I could have ever hoped for or at least as much as my 41/45 score.This very unique aspect of their IB Tutoring approaches has been instrumental in the personal and academic development I have observed in myself over the duration of those critical year. I feel privileged to have been a part of a IBDP program where a plethora of additional experiences have been offered to me that complement the high-quality theoretical knowledge and provide a more holistic perspective of the process of pursuing my university dream.The most memorable and enjoyable of these experiences was the one-on-one training in personalized past paper techniques from senior Tutors.Over and above all of this, the most valued aspect of the ARISTONs has been the relationships formed with staff and fellow classmates; friendships I will cherish for many years to come.
Ελεάνα Αλεξανδρόγλου
Ελεάνα Αλεξανδρόγλου
11:30 22 May 21
I completed my IBDP at ARISTON IB in June 2018. During my preparation, I decided almost everything about studies, university, life and discovered my talents - I felt passionate about Chemical Engineering and decided to pursue at Cambridge University. It was just doable and 43 out of 45 came naturally after spending almost two years with ARISTON IB.I loved my time as a student with ARISTON IB for both social and tutoring reasons. I find their tutoring methods and skills a pleasant —yet exciting life journey to start with. Preparation with ARISTONS was ultra-busy, ultra effective and ultra rewarding. I just loved it.As well as a top IBDP institute the ARISTONS offered a friendly atmosphere, social opportunities and distant support where you can discuss any problems you are encountering with fellow students or senior Tutors. ARISTON IB provides students with the opportunity to follow whatever may interest them.
Amalia Geronikolou
Amalia Geronikolou
15:13 16 May 21
I would recommend ARISTON IB to anybody and everybody. I’m still surprised that everyone doesn’t use their IBDP servies! The years from 2018 - 2020 with the ARISTONS IB gave me the opportunity to improve my skills, meet loads of amazing people, study, enjoy the process and learn a hundred million things about my life after IB. I ended up being admitted to Oxford University Medical School with an amazing 41/45! Something I never would have dreamed of in my first steps at the IBDP. The ARISTON team are always but ALWAYS amazingly supportive and helped deal with any queries or confusions I had. I’m now looking forward to finishing my studies the ARISTON IB way and feel more confident both academically and in everyday life.
Michael Trifoniadis
Michael Trifoniadis
17:14 29 Apr 21
During my two-year IBDP at ARISTON it was my go-to place for academic and emotional support — as well as warm smiles, and a sympathetic ear. It has never failed me, whether I went there with a minor problem in MATHS HL or some random thoughts on students' well-being. Big thank you to everyone at ARISTON IB: I feel so much more heard and loved as an IB student because of you and achieving 39/45 was the definitive value of your job on me.
Manos Zafeiropoulos
Manos Zafeiropoulos
12:39 25 Apr 21
I chose to do my 2015-2017 IBDP preparation at ARISTON's because of its collaborative nature, focus on performing world-class IB tutoring methods, and the vibrant tight-knit student community.After nearly four years (as of receiving my 42/45 IB Diploma), I can unequivocally say that choosing ARISTONs was the right decision for me.ARISTONs offer everything necessary to obtain a high-quality IBDP experience, from world-class Tutors who are genuinely interested to hear about your aspirations, to friendly other students who are willing to help you move forward, support you CAS, or just encourage while discussing your hurdles.Ultimately, for me the biggest selling point of the ARISTONs is the strength of their long-standing knowledge of the IBDP hacks and their proven success spanning two decades.
Jane Tsoukala
Jane Tsoukala
14:23 21 Apr 21
It was very reassuring to be looked after by such a friendly, professional and helpful team of ARISTON Tutors, all of whom were absolutely committed to making the IBDP run smoothly and clearly took a great pride in what they do. Between 2018 and 2020 their approach, support and feedback for our daughter were fantastic, the outstanding results (39/45) and our university offers were exactly as the ARISTONS had predicted since almost day 1. And well-appointed, and the service was always responsive and excellent. […] So thank you again to all at ARISTON IB who helped to make the academic development of our child such a huge success.
Ευγενία Σαπουντζάκη
Ευγενία Σαπουντζάκη
22:11 20 Apr 21
The ARISTON IB Tutoring Service has helped my son in his pursue of his IB Diploma from 2016 - 2018. Achieving 39/45 is a real proof of their well-rounded, teaching know-how. We really liked their method and the tutoring tactics as they are a different type of experience from the ordinary school approach. A very warm recommendation with a highly praised experience.
Vera Ts
Vera Ts
12:27 12 Apr 21
Our son Vassileios has just completed his IB program in Athens College and has received offers from UK universities to study mechanical engineering.He has been tutored mainly from Ariston tutors and freelancer independent tutors in certain courses as well.Having this combined experience, I am able to say that the Ariston team are theProfessionals in a world of amateurs.Highly skilled, highly experienced and highly resilient in the constantly changing environment of the IB program in the covid era.The Ariston team has been inspiring and motivating for a young man like our son, always lighting the way through hard times...for us as parents too!!!Even though this was our first experience with the IB, it is clear to us now that tutoring demanding courses like physics HL and math HL, requires team work...Team work to prepare the notes, to organize them and methodically prepare the revision for the finals....Team work to manage the deadlines, so that everything will be on track. Professional team work with the right task forces for every project at hand, that is ...The Ariston IB. And very important too, cost effective work!!Thank you so very much Ariston IB!!!!Vera Bakalas
Panorea Karanikolopoulou
Panorea Karanikolopoulou
09:58 08 Apr 21
We only found our way to ARISTON IB during the summer between grade 11 and grade 12 and while my son was extremely stressed out due to conflicting information and while in the midst of the pandemic. The support and guidance we received was phenomenal! I would just say ARISTON even built for us an entire lab in our basement so that my son could finish his experiment required for his biology IA on time! Their contribution at all fronts was unique and exceptional! We are still expecting the final results but my son has been accepted in five of the top 20 Universities in the world and that would have not been possible without the guidance of ARISTON IB. Thank you !!!!
14:10 14 Mar 21
We really loved with our daughter during her IBDP studies the ARISTON IB teachers. Philippos is very detailed at MATHS and knows exactly what to say to make me understand the IBDP content being taught. Manuella at BIOLOGY really makes us think about the content and doesn't throw information at us but makes us find the content and is more of a guide and she helps us find what we don't understand. Nick at Business Management and ECONOMICS really uses visual aids which I really like. He's super helpful and knows how to reduce the information into a form that is easy to digest then works on it so we understand it well enough.
Αγγελος Καραβίας
Αγγελος Καραβίας
16:11 03 Mar 21
The ARISTON IB educational path was a life-changing experience. It not only provided me with the knowledge required to understand the mechanics of the IBDP, but also the skills to evaluate my future life mission and career objectives. It provided me with the opportunity to write an excellent Extended Essay with substantial course leaders in their fields and to shadow eminent tutors and teachears on learning activities. ARISTONs provided many more opportunities to get involved in all aspects of the IBDP - academically and practically. For me, one of the greatest assets that I've gained from my experience is the wealth of people who I've met both online and offline, not only the fantastic tutors but also my classmates, many of whom have already received fantastic university offers. all over the world. ARISTON's methodology is very demanding, however I have felt well supported at all times. However, for me the best thing about the ARISTONs has been the fun and brilliant classmates, many of whom I know I will be friends with for a long time.
Antonios Skourtas
Antonios Skourtas
15:14 24 Jan 21
ARISTON IB means the best years of my life. I've changed in the best way and learned a lot for the IBDP, both from the course and from running societies. The people have also been fantastic.
Stavros Georgouleas
Stavros Georgouleas
18:31 18 Jan 21
ARISTONs are not only one of IBs most historic Private Tutors around, they are a dynamic and keenly hospitable environment in which to study, learn and develop.The ARISTONs do a brilliant job in making the IBDP program feel like part of its illustrious family, and their deep-rooted success in the exams make it a most congenial and compelling place to engage with the international diploma.
16:03 01 Jan 21
ARISTONs is a fantastic institution, filled with amazingly talented staff members and a rich academic history. Living up to its reputation of academic rigor, ARISTONs is a comforting place to study IB. As a IBDP student, I did receive a lot of contact hours. I knew this would be the case before I attended and that was probably the most important factor while choosing ARISTONs.Nevertheless, it goes without saying that having access to experts in their field made my studying here worth the money and the time, and the hard workload really helped me develop to the best of my potential. My experience with several tutors has almost always been positive, and they genuinely want to help you learn.The most important thing to do when considering studying with the ARISTONs is to have your revision plans prepared, as your choice truly does shape your time spent.All in all, ARISTONs experience was exciting and much of my exam performance improved due to them. Although attending the IBDP with them with a reputation for being steeped in tradition and elitism can seem daunting, there genuinely is a welcoming atmosphere for everyone and an ability to make your experience what you want to make it.
Dimitra Christopoulou
Dimitra Christopoulou
22:10 17 Dec 20
You have created a truly world-class IBDP organization. ARISTON IB and Tutors you drew in are exceptional. You made the IB Programme a fruitful, memorable experience which continues to benefit us the candidates as long as we grew and evolve in life.
Nefeli Roilos
Nefeli Roilos
22:37 09 Dec 20
One and a half year on from the IBDP, had had a big impact on my IB success. I can’t put a price on the confidence that ARISTONs given me in my academic progress and my life choices overall.
Ioannis Mantzios
Ioannis Mantzios
14:10 08 Dec 20
A modern and diverse IBDP Institute of pre-higher education with a wide variety of courses and tutors. Great links with unis and academic communities.
Renia Chrysochoidis
Renia Chrysochoidis
18:05 30 Nov 20
What I appreciated most about ARISTON's IBDP approach was their ability to form interactions, not only amongst fellow class members, but across the board with program administrators, tutors, teachers, and parents. The fact that all students originated from different backgrounds added to this diversity and allowed us to experience mindsets and approaches that would've otherwise been foreign to us.
Patty Leonidopoulos
Patty Leonidopoulos
16:05 28 Nov 20
Enrolling for the IB Diploma Programme in ARISTON IB proved to be the best academic decision we have ever made for our children. It was amazing to meet and be taught by the most knowledgeable teachers and leading IB experts in their fields. ARISTONS did definitely shape our children's attitude to their IB success and management skills in preparation for a career further in their lives. It was fascinatingly a life changing experience for us.
Stefanos Katsoulakos
Stefanos Katsoulakos
23:14 20 May 20
In this day and age, understanding the IBDP -its values, its culture and its educational framework- can be a tremendous academic, career and lifetime booster. My son, being part of the ARISTON IB educational approach for two years in a row, allowed him to increase his knowledge across all the dimensions of the rigorous programme, and their way of thinking brings it all together -for us definitely the best Private Tutors in the IBDP world.
Damian Alexopoulos
Damian Alexopoulos
17:54 06 Mar 20
The ARISTON IB Private Tutors , which I attended between 2017-2019 2018, has been an excellent opportunity to develop my IB performance and to acquire a broader and more sophisticated skillset. Especially with regards to the personalized methodology and the intensive mock exams, I have been able to develop a better articulated and more precise theoretical framework for my final exams, as well as to refine the approach. Importantly, ARISTON's approach is a real plus as it gathers the best IB candidates, giving us all a unique glimpse into the rigorous methodological processes required to generate first-rate results. Last but not least, ARISTONs has allowed me to explore new ideas and approaches, which I plan to develop and employ in my future personal and business life, and to meet other IB candidates with the same mindset. I would definitely recommend ARISTON IB Private Tutors to anybody considering the IB success.
Aram Makalian
Aram Makalian
00:19 13 Aug 19
ARISTON IB stands out for its hands-on teaching methods, the real IB-world experience it provides and the high level of professionalism deeply embedded in the School's culture.Compared with other Private IB Tuition schools, my son with the support of ARISTON gained a distinct advantage due to their s long-established tradition and the numerous candidates' success stories.The ARISTON IB and my son's involvement in all kind of the Diploma activities improved his presentation, communication, building, teamwork and ultimately his excellent 39/45 score in May 2019
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